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The Church of Sant Feliu of Girona

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Within the Barri Vell of old Girona stands out the Church of Sant Feliu, documented since 882 and the first to serve as a cathedral. It was an important pilgrimage center in the Peninsula and the main temple in Girona before the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria.

It is located on the remains of a paleochristian church in honor of Saint Feliu and was declared a cultural asset of national interest in 1931. Additionally, it received the title of minor basilica in 2011.

The temple showcases various styles, due to the multiple renovations it has undergone over the centuries, although the Gothic style predominates. It was built outside the wall, which made it suffer the consequences of various attacks throughout history, both by Muslim and French troops.

The original Romanesque plan dates from the 12th-13th centuries and features three naves. The roof is Gothic, while the facade is Baroque. The side naves house several chapels, such as that of the patron saint Narcís, in Baroque style, made with marble and jasper walls.

As a curiosity, Saint Feliu became the most venerated saint in Girona until the 9th-10th centuries, and his feast day was established as a symbol of peace, a privilege not granted to any other martyr or saint. However, in 1387 a new cult appeared: Saint Narcís, the city’s bishop, whose relics were kept in the basilica. Thus, Saint Feliu was replaced as protector and patron of the city in 1387.

The silhouette of the tower, along with that of the Girona Cathedral, constitutes one of the most well-known images of Girona’s old town. Inside, it houses treasures of great historical importance such as the sarcophagus of Saint Narcís, the altarpiece of the Virgin Mary at the main altar, and the Recumbent Christ. The latter is made of alabaster and is Gothic in style.

Church of Sant Feliu
Church of Sant Feliu

The church can be visited from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 17:30, and on Sundays and holidays from 13:00. Entry is not allowed during liturgical celebrations. The visit includes the nave, the treasury, the cloister, and the Basilica of Sant Feliu. Discover this and other emblematic places of the city at the following link.

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